Cleaning What We Offer

Services We Provide For Your End Of Lease Clean

The type of cleaning we offer is comprehensive and hassle-free, covering both indoor and outdoor needs. Inside, we handle everything from kitchens to bathrooms, ensuring every corner of your home is spotless. Outside, we take care of mowing the lawn and tidying up your garden, leaving your outdoor spaces looking pristine. Our services are perfect for end-of-lease cleanings, ensuring your property is in excellent condition for the next tenant. Whether you need a deep clean for your kitchen, a thorough scrub for your bathroom, or a complete garden makeover, we have the expertise to do it all. Trust us to deliver exceptional results, making your cleaning experience easy and stress-free.

Inside Services We Provide

Bathroom Cleaning

  • Shower
  • Bathtub
  • Sinks
  • Counter Tops
  • Toilets


Kitchen Cleaning

  • Cupboards
  • Rangehood
  • Oven
  • Counter Tops

House Cleaning

  • All Cupboards Wiped out
  • Skirts Wiped
  • Vacuumed And Mopped Floors
  • Windows Sills Wiped
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Extractor Fans

Outside Services We Provide

General Tidy Up

  • Pruning
  • Mowing
  • Weeding
  • Green Waste Removal
  • Edging Of The Lawn
  • Cutting Back Hedges

Extra Services We Provide


  • Wall Clean
  • Window Inside/Outside
  • Carpet Steam Clean
  • Blind Cleaning


High-pressure Cleaning (Driveways, Pathways, Decking)

Gutter Cleaning (Single Story Only)

Rubbish Removal

All pricing is subject to property size and condition. Please give us as much information as possible, so we can give a realistic time-frame for the work to be completed.