Your Complete End Of Lease Cleaning And Garden Tidy Up

Complete End Of Lease Cleaning

When it comes to ensuring the property is left in pristine condition at the end of a lease, our complete end of lease cleaning and garden tidy up service is unparalleled. We understand the importance of a thorough clean to meet landlord and agent expectations. Our team is highly trained and equipped with professional eco friendly cleaning products, guaranteeing a deep clean of every corner, from kitchens and bathrooms to carpets and windows. We pay meticulous attention to detail, leaving the property looking as good as new.

In addition to our comprehensive end of lease cleaning services, we also specialise in tidying up the garden, ensuring your outdoor spaces are as immaculate as the inside. Our garden services include lawn mowing, hedge trimming, weeding, and general tidying. We understand that a well-maintained garden can significantly enhance the appeal of your property, whether you’re vacating a rental or preparing it for new tenants. Our gardening experts bring the same level of dedication and professionalism to the outdoor spaces, ensuring they are neat, healthy, and attractive.

Choosing us means opting for reliability, thoroughness, and a stress-free experience. We tailor our services to your specific needs, providing flexible scheduling and competitive pricing. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction sets us apart, making us the ideal choice for all your end of lease cleaning and garden needs. Let us handle the hard work, so you can focus on your next move with confidence and peace of mind.

If you would like to know more about the services we offer, take a look at our complete guide and give us a call or text so we can help you.

End Of Lease Garden Tidy Up

Lawn Mowing

We start by giving your lawn a fresh and tidy look by mowing it to the appropriate height. Overgrown grass can detract from the overall appearance of your backyard, so we make sure to give it a clean cut for a polished finish.


Weeds can quickly take over your garden if left unchecked, so we take the time to carefully remove them from your flower beds, pathways, and other garden areas. By eliminating weeds at the root, we help prevent them from coming back. Thus keeping your garden looking its best.

Pruning Shrubs and Small Trees

Overgrown shrubs and small trees can make your garden appear unkempt and may even pose a safety hazard if branches are obstructing pathways or structures. Our team will carefully prune back any overhanging branches and trim shrubs to maintain a neat and tidy appearance. This not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your garden but also promotes healthy growth in the long run. After all maintenance is completed, we will then remove all garden waste from your property.

Green Waste Removal

Leaves, twigs, and other debris can accumulate in your backyard over time, this can detract from its overall appearance. We’ll take care of removing all debris from your outdoor areas, including patios, pathways, and garden beds, leaving your backyard looking clean and pristine.

Outdoor Surface Cleaning

In addition to tending to your plants and greenery, we also clean outdoor surfaces such as patios, decks, and pathways. This may involve sweeping away dirt and debris, scrubbing surfaces with a brush or pressure washer, and removing any stains or marks. By restoring these areas to their very best condition, we ensure that your entire outdoor space looks refreshed and inviting.

End Of Lease Cleaning

Cleaning The Inside

Our team mops all hard floors, leaving them spotless and gleaming. For carpeted areas, we perform a deep vacuuming to eliminate dust, dirt, and allergens, ensuring a fresh and clean environment. We pay attention to every detail, from skirting boards to light fixtures, to guarantee a complete and thorough clean.

Cleaning The Kitchen

 We tackle all areas of the kitchen, including ovens, stovetops, cabinets, and countertops, leaving them spotless. Our professional-grade cleaning products and meticulous attention to detail guarantee the removal of grease, grime, ensuring a pristine, hygienic kitchen.

Cleaning Bathrooms

 We tackle all areas, including washing tiles, sinks, baths, shower and all toilets. Our specialized end-of-lease bathroom cleaning service is designed to leave every surface sparkling and sanitary. Our professional team uses eco-friendly, high-quality products to ensure a deep clean without damaging surfaces.

Cleaning Rooms

When it comes to end-of-lease cleaning for bedrooms and the rest of the house, we ensure every area is thoroughly cleaned to perfection. Our comprehensive service includes detailed cleaning inside cupboards, ensuring every shelf and corner is dust-free. We meticulously clean fly screens and blinds, removing any accumulated dirt and grime.

What We Can Also Do

We can steam carpet cleaning as wall as comprehensive window cleaning inside and out. We ensure every pane is spotless, free from smudges, streaks, and dirt build up. We also provide meticulous wall and door wiping services, removing dust, fingerprints, and marks to leave surfaces looking pristine

Our attention to detail ensures that every corner of your home is spotless and your garden is looking its best, meeting the highest standards required for end of lease inspections.

Choose our complete inside and outside end of lease cleaning services for a hassle-free experience and ensure your rental property is left clean and tidy. Contact us today and tell us what you need done, if its just the inside, we can organise that for you or maybe you just need the outdoor spaces cleaned and tidied. Whatever your cleaning needs are, we have you covered. Give us a call or complete the contact form below. One call to do it all.